Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Malacy, I'm Home!

We’re home indeed, and we’re all still reeling from our journey to Malawi, truly the ‘warm heart of Africa’. And there’s no rest for the weary; on top of our first true blizzard of the year, classes began yesterday!

Nevertheless, we return to the USA with profound gratitude for those who sent us to Malawi, especially those who contributed prayers and money to our journey. By all standards our mission was a smashing success. We witnessed many miracles!

Over the next couple of weeks, I shall be posting a series of entries regarding our trip. As always, I’ll include something related to food, too. Malawian cuisine has some surprising twists that I think you’ll find interesting and beneficial.

Basically, the rubric under which I shall place my writing is three-fold: on each post I shall ask (1) how have I seen God at work, (2) what’s been challenging, and (3) what has God shown me about myself. I will ask and answer each of these questions on each blog.

Finally, if you’d like to peruse hundreds of photographs from our journey, please log onto to this link – . The group password is ‘malawi’.

I thank you once more, dear ones, for your love and support. We cherished your prayers and support.



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